Enrollment at Little Sprouts Childcare Center

Explore enrollment options at Little Sprouts Childcare Center, where we offer flexible part-time schedules. Discover our tuition rates and see how we can meet your family's childcare needs.

Flexible Part-Time and Full-Time Care Options

At Little Sprouts Childcare Center, we understand that every family has unique scheduling needs. That's why we offer flexible part-time care, allowing you to choose from two, three, or four days per week, in addition to our full five-day schedule.

Our part-time tuition rates are competitively priced: $170 for two days, $190 for three days, and $210 for four days a week.

Our five-day full-time program is priced at $230 per week. We believe in accommodating your family’s dynamic lifestyle without compromising on the quality of care and education we provide.

Our Unique Blended Curriculum

The heart of LSCC’s educational philosophy, lies in our unique blend of Montessori and High Scope curricula. This approach promotes independent learning while encouraging active participatory experiences.

Montessori’s individualized learning plans and hands-on activities help children develop at their own pace, fostering self-discipline and critical thinking.

High Scope, on the other hand, emphasizes active learning and problem-solving skills. Our teachers are skilled at weaving these two pedagogical approaches to create a nurturing and stimulating environment for your child’s growth.

Enrollment Fees and Process

Enrolling your child at Little Sprouts Childcare Center is a straightforward process, designed to put your mind at ease. We charge a one-time, non-refundable registration fee of $100.00

Additionally, to maintain a high standard of care and provide necessary materials, there is a biannual fee of $50 per child for center supplies.


We invite all interested families to schedule a tour of our facility, meet our dedicated staff, and see firsthand how Little Sprouts can be the perfect fit for your family’s childcare needs.

Contact Us Today!

Ready to enroll or have more questions?

Reach out to us for more information or to schedule a visit.